A Conversation with Board Member Lauren Meadows
As a nonprofit, TSMP maintains a board to advise and oversee the finances and general direction of our company. And, while that sounds (and technically is) very official, it’s really a very small group of trusted community members who convene a few times a year to give us their opinions and advice. They help us decide where to focus our efforts and influence the future of our company!
We’ve been lucky to have Lauren Meadows, director of Meadows Dance Company, as a board member for the last few years. We did a short interview with Lauren to share with you what being a board member of TSMP is all about.
The Space Movement Project: How long have you been a board member of TSMP?
Lauren Meadows: I've been on TSMP's board since 2018.
TSMP: What made you decide to join the board?
LM: I'd admired and supported TSMP's work for a number of years, so I was thrilled when asked to join as a board member!
TSMP: What is your main role on the board of TSMP?
LM: As a board member I advise on finances and budgeting, help plan fundraising and community engagement events, observe and give notes during later-phase rehearsals, and generally brainstorm about both the operational and creative aspects of running a dance company. Separate from my role as a board member, I also happen to teach TSMP's weekly open company class.
TSMP: What has been the most surprising part of serving on TSMP's board?
LM: Gaining insight into TSMP's unique creative process has been enthralling to me! In particular, TSMP's commitment to true collaboration among all company members is really exceptional to witness.
TSMP: How has your role as a board member changed your relationship to TSMP and/or the dance community?
LM: Being on the board of TSMP is a great opportunity both to strengthen existing ties to the dance community and form new ones! It's also been really informative and inspiring to see how the company operates 'behind the scenes'.
TSMP: What are some qualities that would make someone a good board member for TSMP?
LM: Enthusiasm, open-mindedness, organizational skills, and experience with dance and/or nonprofits are all great qualities for potential board members.
Lauren Meadows is a Chicago-based ballet teacher, choreographer, and pilates instructor. She is the director of Meadows Dance Collective, a contemporary ballet company committed to providing dancers with fair compensation and safe & comfortable working conditions. She also co-founded The University of Chicago's ballet company, University Ballet, as an undergraduate student there in 2001. You can regularly find Lauren teaching Inferno Hot Pilates at 105F, open company class for The Space Movement Project, Pilates at The Rooted Space and Ballet 1 at The University of Chicago.