Anne’s Good List
At the end of 2020, we decided to make lists of the good things we are grateful for in this bad year. First up is Anne, company member and managing director.
An image of Anne in the studio with text overlaid saying “Anne’s Good List in a Bad Year”
Here’s her list:
1. Beverages: parenting in quarantine requires coffee, wine, whiskey, and sparkling water. 🥂
2. @meadowsdancecollective footwork puzzles during weekly barre class 🧩
3. North Park Nature Village: my family’s version of escaping into the woods in the city. 🌲
4. HiBar Shampoo & Conditioner bars: helping us reduce plastic at home! ♻️
5. podcast: a great weekly way to feel connected to the larger dance world. 💃🏻
What’s on your good list for 2020?